Veteran's Administration Problem

Fellow Denturists,

Some of us work in areas of the state and have an opportunity to work with the Veteran’s Administration in treating their edentulous patients. Within the Veteran’s Administration, a change has been made in the contracting for dental care the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act. This has resulted in denturists not being recognized and our veterans losing access to the affordable care that we offer.

On behalf of the Oregon State Denturist Association we are asking each of you to dedicate your time, effort and resources, and join with us in reinstating our ability to continue these valuable services to our veterans. Similar campaigns are also underway with the NDA and WDA.

Form letters have been drafted and linked below with a link to your state representatives and congressmen. Please take the opportunity to personally contact these representatives. Please make copies to provide to your patients, family, and friends and encourage them to do the same. Phone calls along with the letters are more effective than just the letters.

Sample Letter to Representatives

Here is a Sample Letter to your Representatives in Word Format or PDF Format.

Find Your Local Representatives

To find your local representatives, click on the Oregon Senators & Representatives link, and choose Representatives from the top menu. This section will allow you to enter your address to figure out which representatives to contact. Each representative has a phone number listed and a link to their website which has their address or email for sending letters.

Thank you so much for your effort in this matter.

Chris Chapman
OSDA president